Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lower cholesterol naturally with 2 food system


Heart disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure are some typical problem associated with high cholesterol. These are disease affects our life adversely and may even cause death. You have to address your high cholesterol before it hits you badly

High saturated foods are the fattier meats, the different cheeses, fried foods, cookies cakes and cold cuts. These could be the very reason the high cholesterol in your body. Just watching what you eat can lower your cholesterol naturally.

Cutting back on these foods may be all that it takes for some people to lower their cholesterol. Others may have to go on a more stringent diet. A stricter diet plan often calls for lower saturated fat and cholesterol. This will usually require that fewer than 7% of the calories that you eat come from saturated fat (approximately 140 in the average 2000 calorie diet). It also requires you to eat fewer than 300 mg of cholesterol a day. The plan may also require you to limit the amount of calories that you eat in a day, since being overweight can influence your cholesterol levels.

Exercise and diet goes hand in hand to lower cholesterol naturally, especially if diet alone is not enough to bring the cholesterol level down. Doctor may also advise cholesterol lowering drugs if your cholesterol is extremely high.

The 2 foods that you need to consider in your diet to lower cholesterol are fish and fiber. Yes simply add fish and fiber the 2 MUST foods in any cholesterol lowering diet.

Fatty cold water fish will be a good choice to substitute for the fatty cut meat as the alternative protein source. This is so because these fish contain high content of omega 3 fatty acid which helps in lowering the cholesterol by increasing the level of good cholesterol. The good cholesterol will attached itself to the bad cholesterol and ferries it back to the liver to be metabolized. This natural cycle will lower the bad cholesterol naturally, which will reduce the risk of heart attach, stroke are possibly even erectile dysfunction.

Fiber is good for a healthy diet as well. Found in fruits, grains, and vegetables, it helps to keep your digestive system regular, fill you up, and provides nutrition. Increasing the amount of fresh foods that you eat and decreasing the amounts of fatty meats can go a long way to lowering your cholesterol. Fresh fruits and veggies also contain high levels of the nutrients needed to boost good cholesterol levels so that your body can fight off high cholesterol problems naturally. Some grains, like oatmeal, have even been shown to have cholesterol-reducing effects when eaten on a regular basis.

A healthy level of cholesterol can be achieved by some simple changes to your diet.

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