Sunday, May 25, 2008

How To Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

Kathryn Soloff

The main contributing factor to heart disease is hight cholesterol. There are several factors that possibly contribute to high cholesterol. High cholesterol is quite common with over 26 million Americans affected by this condition.

High cholesterol is responsible for 70% of all heart disease. It is a leading killer of both men and women over the age of 45. High cholesterol is also a leading cause of death worldwide.

Having high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) will form plaque in the arteries. The result of this is atherosclerosis. It has been proven that lifestyle changes can prevent or lower high cholesterol.

Lifestyle changes that include eating a diet low in saturated fat, increased physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight will help to lower high cholesterol. A diet that is high in fiber helps to lower high cholesterol levels.

Foods high in fiber can be found in whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruit. These foods will keep your digestive system regular, satisfy you and provide good nutrition. Fiber helps to block cholesterol from being absorbed into the intestinal tract. As a result, this bad cholesterol is expelled with normal excretion.

It is a good idea to lower your cholesterol naturally. The most common drugs prescribed by doctors are statin drugs. These are effective and work in a short period of time. The bad side is that statin drugs produce some very harmful side effects.

It is well established that statin drugs cause serious liver damage. Patients that use this medication are required to have a routine blood test every two months.

Statin drugs can cause muscle pain, disease and the breakdown of muscles. It also causes weakness and can create difficulties with walking.

It can be responsible for the loss of memory and clarity. It can occasionally create confusion and amnesia. This group of drugs and be responsible for sexual dysfunction and irritability.

Statin drugs are know to cause nausea, diarrhea, constipation, fever, sleeplessness and headaches.

This group of drugs are also responsible for depleting essential nutrients important for the heart and brain.

Conversely, it is quite possible to lower your cholesterol naturally. The best part is that this can be accomplished without harmful side effects.

Here is what you can do:

1/ Exercise for between 30 minutes and an hour each day. This can be extremely effective. A consistent exercise program will help to increase good cholesterol (HDL). It will help to reduce the harmful cholesterol (LDL). The bottom line is that exercise helps to naturally lower bad cholesterol without the harmful side effects.

2/ Change the way that you eat.

It is important to realize that getting high cholesterol does not occur in a vacuum. The biggest contributing factors are what we eat and our lack of activity. These factors are even greater than heredity. Heredity is a factor only to the point that our parents pass their lifestyles onto us.

It is important to have a diet high in fiber. This type of diet includes whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruit. The fiber from these foods bind with the cholesterol and removes it from our system.

3/ Avoid or reduce foods that are bad sources of fat. This also includes red meat and dairy products.

4/ Natural herbal products.

Herbal supplements can be helpful in lowering high cholesterol. Research has shown that herbal supplements actually help to lower bad cholesterol.

Ancient Chinese medicine incorporates the use of herbs. Traditional Chinese therapy produces very good results for lowering high cholesterol. Thousands of years of Chinese medicine have developed herbal treatments that are natural, safe and effective.

As you can see, there are major differences between conventional western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Unlike conventional medicine, the herbs used by the Chinese are extremely mild. They do not produce harmful side effects. Because they are so mild, they appear to take months to work.

Although visible results may take months, the herbs do begin to work immediately. The herbs do not jar or shock the system. They improve our health in a gradual and steady manner. An added benefit is that the herbs actually improve the function of the liver. This can be experienced within a couple of months. A simple blood test will prove this.

These herbal treatments have been around for centuries. However, if you are taking medication or are under a physicians care, please consult with your doctor first.

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